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Ways to help us

Eureka Foundation values all kinds of contributions, including volunteering skills, spreading awareness on social media, donating goods or services, and not just financial donations. They welcome involvement in marketing, event planning, mentoring, and other areas to help achieve their mission.

Volunteer Programs

Football Volunteer
Marketing Volunteer

This volunteer program focuses solely on the football aspect of the academy. You will work within the football department and gain invaluable experience on how our academy is operated and run. Undergraduate and graduate students with relevant studies should apply.


Find out more

Send an email to Eureka by clicking the button below. Kindly include as much information about yourself as possible, including your qualifications and interests.

Become a volunteer at Eureka Foundation Academy in marketing.

 Are you dreaming about getting an exclusive insight into how Eureka Foundation Academy is managed, or are you interested in making a difference? Then volunteer experience here at Eureka Foundation Academy, and might be something for you.

At Eureka Foundation Academy, you will get the opportunity to work with a variety of tasks within management, project management, marketing on social media, and much more. An interest in football is great, but definitely not required, all applicants are welcome! If this sounds like something for you, you’re more than welcome to contact us.

Volunteering At Eureka Foundation Academy

Join our Global Impact Team: Volunteer at Eureka Foundation Academy in Uganda and Make a Difference

Volunteers stories

My 12 months time at Eureka Foundation Academy, have been enormously rewarding, and seeing how lives can be impacted through selfless ideas put into reality for the impact of young talents in the camp. It's a worthwhile time!

Nabaasa Victoria -Uganda

Uganda, 2022/2023


You will stay at the academy in Rwamwanja,Kamwenge district which is a five-hour drive away from Kampala, the capital city of Uganda.

The nearby town center is only 45 minutes away by boda-boda (taxi)

There are restaurants in the heart of the town and nearby towns with good internet to stay connected with your family and friends

A volunteer experience at the Eureka Foundation Academy is the perfect opportunity for students or recent graduates to put the theory they learned in class into practice.


Our interns and volunteers are a part of the academy – involved and engaged from their first day. The volunteers that join our team come from different backgrounds and bring their talents to drive the organization, grow our people and make an impact.

Quick links

Reach out

P/O Box 234012, Kampala

+256 774 907244