About us

Discover our Story

Our Story

In today’s world the refugee children are facing the most of hardships since they are out of their various countries of origin. In Rwamwanja refugee settlement, the children constitute a big part of the population yet they remain the most subjugated and marginalized. The difficult circumstances that young refugees face because of limited opportunities for education and training.

Sports is one of the most unifying factors among the young people in Rwamwanja and E.F.A is focusing on bringing the children together through sports activities like football, basketball, netball, among others and through this, other objectives of empowerment and leadership trainings for the young people. The foundation works with youth and children from both the camp and the host community.


To empower children build a sound future through sports


Building the future

Our Core Values


Uncompromising excellence, Our commitment to delivering the best.


Transparency is key: Our commitment to honesty and integrity in everything we do.


Transform your body and mind with our fitness programs.

Our Team

People Holding us Together

Ereka Buro James
Director, EFA
Mahoro Florence
Chairperson EFA
Ramadhani Sebuhuzu
Secretary EFA
Laurence Nyirabarigereka
Advisor EFA

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Reach out

P/O Box 234012, Kampala

+256 774 907244