
See our Work

Vijana Tusongembele Project

Vijana Tusongembele is a project created and implemented by Eureka Foundation Academy based in Rwamwanja Refugee Settlement in Western part of Uganda. This project aims at creating togetherness, building self esteem, body autonomy and personal physical perception among Rwamwanja Refugee youths and host  community through creating awareness, SRHR trainings and sports.

It entails two defined activities which is football tournament and health workshop.

The football tournament attracts over 1000+  audience with 12 youth teams in participation not including the children sports teams in attendance. These participants teams combine refugee youths and host community from around Rwamwanja area.

In the health workshop, it entails various SRHR training sessions of awareness on hygiene, self-care and wellness. Furthermore the participants include refugees young girls,  mothers, women, men and other vulnerabilities  are empowered with skills on how to make handmade reusable sanitary pads. This workshop attracts 26 participants per group involved from Rwamwanja area.


Football Trainings

Eureka Foundation Academy conducts daily routine of football trainings of children and youths. This has empowered in their confidence building and promoting fitness mindset building.

This happens from 4:00PM to 6:00PM from Monday to Saturday  everyday wherever it’s convenient for the children and youths in the settlement. These trainings are emphasized on for each talent leadership growth in every participant as a look out in the mentorship cycle. 

Household Visits

This is one of the social programs where the Eureka academic leadership Visits each child’s parents or guardians and relates on a cultural diversity exchange,  monitoring and evaluation of child’s participation in the academy and it’s influence on home in terms of discipline and positive mindset growth. This also is a place of home village experience and opportunity to learn from each other,  from the Eureka Foundation Membership and community at all spheres of impact growth.

Livelihood Trainings

This empowers the refugees in the membership to respond to their community acute challenges. They are growing but we make sure we prove the International Community how capable we are to respond to our people’s problem using non exorbitant funds that most of big NGOs use.

This program is in collaboration between Refugee Innovation Center sponsored by Catalyst 2030 and is built on Team work, trust, transparency and impact driven aspirations. This collaboration is meant to contribute to resilience strengthening, self-confidence and self-reliance processes for refugees.

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P/O Box 234012, Kampala

+256 774 907244